
LiveIndex.org is a leading global financial markets website app providing real-time data, quotes, charts, tools, live & updated news and analysis across 100 exchanges around the world.

We cover thousands of financial instruments, and offers access to financial market tools such as real-time quotes, charts, indicators, support & resistance levels, calendars, calculators, and financial news completely free of charge.

In addition to the global Stock Markets, we also cover Global Indices, Global Commodities, Global Cryptocurrencies, Global Currencies, Bonds, Interest Rates, Futures and Options.

Over the years, LiveIndex.org has established itself as a trustworthy publisher, allowing hundreds of loyal advertisers the opportunity for global and local exposure, on all available platforms.

With over 500K users, and over 10 million pageviews per month, LiveIndex.org is one of the top financial websites.

Also thousands of websites benefits from our widgets to disseminate the financial info on their own websites