
It’s a Golden Era for American Technological Ingenuity

Wed Mar 05 2014
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I’ll admit something right off the bat. I’m no hard-core “techie.”

I didn’t wait in an around-the-block line for my last iPhone.

I haven’t purchased the latest Xbox One yet to replace my older Xbox 360.

My wife, Kim, and I don’t have our house wired in such a way that we can use our smartphones to turn off the lights or pre-heat the oven.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the things technology offers us. Nor does it mean I can’t marvel at the vast amount of wealth being created by advances in American technology and ingenuity … not to mention the positive impact those advances have on our everyday lives.

Just look at how Facebook (FB) came out of the blue to dominate the social media landscape in just a decade, thanks to the foresight and instinct of founder Mark Zuckerberg. Or how after a troubled IPO process, the stock turned around sharply and surged to an all-time high of more than $ 71 last week.

Or what about Tesla Motors (TSLA)? Here’s a company that’s revolutionizing the auto market in a way that no one saw coming or would have predicted just a few short years ago. But thanks to the guidance and vision of founder Elon Musk, Tesla is rapidly growing into an automotive and electric-car powerhouse — and creating huge amounts of wealth for investors in Tesla shares.

Now, I’m not saying you should go rush out and buy these two stocks right away. Nor am I suggesting that every “next big thing” idea to come out of Silicon Valley, or anywhere else in America, ultimately pans out. Failures are common, and so are investor losses.

But if you can find someone to navigate you through the technology industry minefield — on your way to the promised land of profits — you’re sitting pretty. You can get your hands on some of the wealth these home-grown, American tech pioneers are creating.

That’s why I’m so excited that Jon Markman has joined the Money and Markets team! He’s no technology industry neophyte. He’s been closely following all the latest tech developments for more than two decades.

Make sure to follow him and listen to his recommendations. Doing so can mean getting in early, and with tech stocks, that’s where all the money is made.

Until next time,


P.S. It’s a fact that many virtually unheard-of technology stocks are posting huge gains these days. Have you made any money with tech stocks in the past year or so? Our newest Money and Markets analyst, Jon Markman, has his finger on the pulse of this trend. Head over to the Money and Markets blog and share your success stories with tech stocks; he’ll be checking in throughout the day to share some of his best ideas as well.

Mike Larson graduated from Boston University with a B.S. degree in Journalism and a B.A. degree in English in 1998, and went to work for There, he learned the mortgage and interest rates markets inside and out. Mike then joined Weiss Research in 2001. He is the editor of Safe Money Report. He is often quoted by the Washington PostReutersDow Jones NewswiresOrlando SentinelPalm Beach Post and Sun-Sentinel, and he has appeared on CNN, Bloomberg Television and CNBC.

The investment strategy and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of any other editor at Weiss Research or the company as a whole.

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