Nokia signs 5G patent agreement with Samsung

Mon Jan 23 2023
Austin Collins (565 articles)
Nokia signs 5G patent agreement with Samsung

Finnish telecom equipment maker Nokia (NOKIA.HE) on Monday said it has signed a new multi-year agreement to license its 5G patents to Samsung (005930.KS) following the expiry of the previous pact in December.

Samsung will make payments to Nokia from Jan. 1, but the companies did not disclose the terms of the deal.

Nordic rival Ericsson (ERICb.ST) last year also reached an agreement on 5G patents with Samsung, ending a dispute that hit its quarterly revenue.

Nokia’s patent portfolio is made of around 20,000 patent families, including over 4,500 patent families declared essential to

Austin Collins

Austin Collins

Austin Collins is our Europe, Asia, & Middle East Correspondent. He covers news related to Stock Market. In past he has worked for many prestigious news & media organizations. He is based in Dubai