
Gold And Silver Coins: Why Collect Them In 2023?

Thu Nov 03 2022
Gold And Silver Coins: Why Collect Them In 2023?

Gold and silver have played a role in human history. They’ve been equally essential in almost every generation. From their earliest use as ornament and jewelry, they became known as among the earliest currencies. Eventually, these precious metals became the foundation of the global financial system. 

Today, silver and gold are still popular due to their scarcity value and ever-expanding uses in various industries. Unlike those investments based on a company’s stock price, which may underperform or run into problems, silver and gold are commodities that’ll always be in demand. When you buy a precious metal like silver or gold, you buy something with real value. And that reassures you that you still hold something valuable no matter what happens in the economy.

Indeed, the security of silver and gold makes them even more beneficial in difficult economic times. And so, if you’re looking to take advantage of difficult times like periods of instability and inflation, investing in gold from Gainesville Coins can be an excellent decision.

Furthermore, read the critical points below to dig into why you should collect silver and gold coins in 2023.

  1. They’re An Effective Inflation Hedge 

    Inflation is inevitable in an economy. That’s why investors consider an investment that can protect the decreased purchasing power of a currency. This strategy is inflation hedging and can also help preserve the value of the investment itself. Usually, it involves investing in an asset expected to increase or maintain its value over a particular period. 

    The good news is that you can invest in gold and silver, such as collecting gold and silver coins, as a hedge against inflation. Like other commodities, gold is one of the precious metals experienced investors consider real assets. They’re real assets because they have intrinsic value, such as real estate, oil, and agricultural commodities. 

    That said, gold is among the real assets that experienced investors seek as an inflation hedge. If there’s an increase in inflation, demand for primary commodities rises as well. Eventually, it pushes commodity prices, like gold prices, higher. Moreover, just like gold, silver can also hedge against inflation, making it another option when diversifying one’s portfolio. 

  2. They Have High Liquidity 

    The ease with which you can buy or sell an investment without affecting the security’s price is crucial in investing. That’s what liquidity is, and it’s essential to consider to access the wealth you build. If you tie up all your assets in long-term or illiquid investments, you may run out of cash. And that can limit your ability to transfer funds into new investment opportunities. Hence, it’s essential to maintain a certain level of liquidity in your investment strategy. 

    Fortunately, gold and silver are highly liquid assets. That means there are many consistent buyers and sellers of these precious metals. If one day you want to sell your gold and silver coins for cash, then you can do it quickly. Unlike other types of investments that can be difficult to sell, gold and silver are always in high demand. Hence, you’ll likely get a good return on your money if you sell your gold and silver coins. 

  3. They Act As Safe-Havens 

    When financial markets are in crisis, experienced investors know well that they should invest in safe, high-quality assets. These safe-haven investments tend to maintain or increase in value during market turbulence. Hence, investors seek them out to limit their losses during market downturns. 

    Gold is one type of investment that experienced investors consider a safe-haven asset. This precious metal is a type of insurance that investors can use to protect against difficult economic times. Investors tend to pile their money into gold if an adverse financial event lingers for a long time. Consequently, the price of gold will drive up due to increased demand. Apart from gold, other precious metals like silver can also serve as safe-haven. 

  4. They Have Intrinsic Value 

    As you may probably already know, intrinsic value refers to the worth of a particular asset. Some financial advisors say precious metals like gold and silver have no fundamental intrinsic value. It’s because, to them, silver and gold don’t provide a right to future earning, a promise of repayment, or any cash flow. But that’s not true. Gold and silver do have intrinsic value. 

    Notably, for hundreds of years, people back in the day recognized gold and silver as money. And today, intelligent investors use these precious metals to protect their wealth against economic turmoil and pass it from one generation to the next. In essence, gold and silver are excellent forms of currency; you can determine these precious metals’ value based on how much you buy and sell them.


Overall, precious metals like gold and silver coins can provide inflation protection, are safe-haven assets, and have high liquidity and intrinsic value. They also have a low or negative correlation to other investment assets like stocks and bonds. Even if there’s a small part of metals like silver and gold in your portfolio, it can help reduce volatility and risk. 

Accordingly, if you’re looking to preserve your wealth in difficult economic times, collecting gold and silver coins is an excellent investment strategy you can take in 2023.



Nick Jason is our Europe based Correspondent. He covers news related to Stock Market Commodities & Currencies. He currently lives in London.

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