How a Dominatrix Made $1 Million in Cryptocurrency Last Year

Thu Dec 21 2017
Mark Cooper (3175 articles)
How a Dominatrix Made $1 Million in Cryptocurrency Last Year

A number of people have made a windfall this year in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. One of them is a dominatrix named Theodora who estimates she earns between $ 7,000 and $ 10,000 each month in cryptocurrency. Last year she made over $ 1 million in cryptocurrency alone, reports MarketWatch.

Theodora is a financial dominatrix. Her clients derive sexual pleasure from giving her money. Those gifts can range from just a few dollars to six figures, and now some of the gifts are coming in the form of cryptocurrency.

Clients are typically powerful men who enjoy briefly releasing control to a woman, sometimes in the form of large sums of cash, other times by giving Theodora complete control over one of their bank accounts.


Want to serve me financially, but can’t afford exorbitant tributes?

A first in the industry…#TheManipulatrix #Findom #Cryptodomme

— THEODORA (@TheOnlyTheodora) December 11, 2017

Theodora claims to be first to have developed a large number of crypto followers but says she sees it as the natural progression of the field. She even has some clients mining Bitcoin for her from their homes.

Mark Cooper

Mark Cooper

Mark Cooper is Political / Stock Market Correspondent. He has been covering Global Stock Markets for more than 6 years.