
The Internet Has Ideas for How Apple Can Spend Its Mountain of Cash

Wed Aug 02 2017
Nikki Bailey (1380 articles)
The Internet Has Ideas for How Apple Can Spend Its Mountain of Cash

Apple announced its third-quarter earnings Tuesday, and the numbers were positive, to say the least.

The company’s quarterly revenue was $ 45.4 billion, with growth across all product categories, said Apple CFO Luca Maestri. According to CNBC, the company’s cash pile is a record $ 261.5 billion.

After the announcement was made, amazement at the number of cash ricocheted across social media, with many noting the different things that number could buy.

Vala Afshar, Chief Digital Evangelist at Salesforce, noted on Twitter that Apple could buy Uber, Tesla, Netflix, Airbnb, and Twitter — and still have $ 29 billion left over.

Others noted that Apple could buy Walmart (based on market capitalization), and of course, multiple sports teams.

Apple currently has more cash than the GDP of Jupiter and Mars combined
– Ben Carlson (@awealthofcs) August 1, 2017

Now Apple can buy Poland and Twitter and Snap.
– Russian Market (@russian_market) August 1, 2017

it’s weird how no one writes about how much cash apple has in comparison to countries’ gross domestic products
– Matthew Zeitlin (@MattZeitlin) August 1, 2017

If @Apple is on the list of countries by cash reserve, it ranks no.11 ahead of Singapore, Germany, UK, France, Italy, & US.
Via @Wikipedia
– Ahmed Afifi (@ahmedbafifi) August 1, 2017

I see Apple’s closing in on the point where it has enough cash to give everyone in the US $ 1,000.
– John Timmer (@j_timmer) August 1, 2017

Apple has a cash balance of $ 261.5 billion. That’s enough to buy every single team in the NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB.
– Shane O’Brien (@ShaneO_Brien) August 1, 2017

Apple has enough cash hand to buy Walmart based on market capitalization.
– Brad Meyer (@bradmeyer) August 1, 2017

Nikki Bailey

Nikki Bailey

Nikki Bailey reports on US Stocks. She covers also economy and related aspects. She has been tracking US Stock markets for several years now. She is based in New York

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