Why There Has Been No Recovery (In One Simple Chart): A Harvest Of Corruption
Will Rogers, Nov 26, 1932
“Trickle-down theory – the less than elegant metaphor that if one feeds the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.”
John Kenneth Galbraith
“It is no exaggeration to say that since the 1980s, much of the global financial sector has become criminalised, creating an industry culture that tolerates or even encourages systematic fraud.”
Charles H. Ferguson
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
Upton Sinclair
“In regards to the price of commodities, the rise of wages operates as simple interest does, the rise of profit operates like compound interest. Our merchants and masters complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price and lessening the sale of goods. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.”
Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations
“What we have are asset PRICES being whipped up as median real wages deflate.”
Anthony Sanders, Whip It! Real Median Wages Down 3.4% Since Q1 2010
“The problem of the last three decades is not the ‘vicissitudes of the marketplace,’ but rather deliberate actions by the government to redistribute income from the rest of us to the one percent. This pattern of government action shows up in all areas of government policy.”
Dean Baker
And we see the continuing attempts by the Congress itself to thwart and undo financial reform under cover of rhetoric and canards, so that they too might get paid by the moneyed interests.